Welcome to Year 6

Mantis and Scorpion classes are our Year 6 classes at the Isle of Ely Primary School.  On this page you will be able to read about our curriculum and learning activities.   

Adults in our classes:

Mrs Hema Patel-Thorpe              Mrs Christy Collard


Ms Louise Bradshaw-Campbell   Mrs Hannah Delgrazia


This half term, we will be learning:


This term in English, we will be exploring a warning story based on a famous fairy tale. We will be considering how changing the language and features can make the story more suspenseful and therefore better suited to an older audience. We will be focussing on how to use expanded noun phrases, adverbials and figurative language to create an atmospheric setting. After that, the children will be looking at creating recounts in the form of a news report. We will focus on chronological order, adapting our style to suit the purpose and using reported and direct speech.  Within both topics, the pupils will be using story-mapping, boxing up and innovating the text before producing their own versions.


We will start the year by revising our understanding of place value and partitioning numbers up to 10,000,000.  We will then move on to refining our use of written calculation methods for the four operations


  During this unit children will build on their knowledge of the circulatory system from Year 2. They will learn that William Harvey was a doctor who suggested the heart was at the centre of a circulatory system that moved blood around the body. They will learn that, because of his work, scientists and doctors now know that the heart and blood vessels are parts of our circulatory system and that our circulatory and respiratory systems keep us alive. We know that our heart is divided into four chambers and blood enters and exits the heart. As the heart beats, it pumps the blood out to the lungs for a new supply of oxygen. Blood vessels, called arteries, carry oxygen-rich blood away from the heart. Blood vessels, called veins, carry blood back to your heart to be pumped to the lungs for more oxygen. Children will learn the importance of each part of the circulatory system including arteries, veins and capillaries. 


 This half term we will be studying the Victorian era. The children will be learning about the introduction of the Poor Law and the Education Act as well as events such as the Great Exhibition and the scientific and engineering innovations that took place during this period.


During this half term, the children will be revisiting and building on their knowledge of spatial sense. They will looking further into map reading and using coordinates on maps, time zones as well as exploring the Arctic and Antarctic circle in more detail.

Physical Education

 We will be developing our tag rugby skills and rounders skills during our lessons this half –term.    

Religious Education

Our lessons this half term will explore the Buddhist religion. The children will explore the eight fold path and read some Jakarta tales which demonstrate the qualities Buddha lived his own life by. They will also be looking at a Buddhist temple. 


We will be exploring rhythmic patterns in order to build a sense of pulse and will then be using this understanding to create a composition. 

Personal, Social and Health Education

This half term the children discuss their year ahead, they learnt to set goals and discuss their fears and worries about the future. The class learn about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and that these are not met for all children worldwide. They talk about their choices and actions and how these can have far-reaching effects, locally and globally. The children talk about their own behaviour and how their choices can result in rewards and consequences and how these feel. They talk about how an individual’s behaviour and the impact it can have on a group. They also talk about democracy, how it benefits the school and how they can contribute towards it.


Our lessons this term will explore prior knowledge of colour, line, texture and shape.  We will recap harmonious and complementary colours and how colour can convey emotion.  We will also look at how artists include implied and actual lines in their work before observing and drawing natural objects.


 This half term we will be learning about why coded messages were used during World War 2 and the role of the codebreakers at Bletchley Park in decoding them.  The children will explore various cipher codes in closer detail and learn about how significant individuals have contributed compute science.   


During this half term the children will revisit personal information questions and answers, and extended feelings. They will recall how to give opinions of school subjects including reasons, and recall numbers to 60.

Children then will be introduced to the ‘o’clock’ structure in Spanish, and key daily routine phrases in order to be able to write, ask and answer questions about daily routines. Reading opportunities will be provided for the children to practice and develop their pronunciation and comprehension skills.  




Knowledge Organisers

At the Isle of Ely Primary School, we use knowledge organisers as a tool to help our children learn more and remember more and to allow parents and carers to support their children's learning. In our knowledge organisers, you will find essential knowledge, key dates, important vocabulary and key figures. The knowledge organisers can also be used as a fun assessment tool which will help children to see the progress they have made.

Computing Autumn A

Science Autumn A

Geography Autumn A

History Autumn A

Music Autumn A

RE Autumn A

Art Autumn A


PSHE Autumn A


W/C 14/10/2024

We have had a fantastic week in Year 6. We have been busy exploring instruction texts and the features within this text type using our new model text. In history, we have worked on some fact files on the Black History Week theme of reclaiming the narratives. The children have learned about key figures in the world of maths and science and created some beautiful fact files which we will be displaying on our display wall next week. Finally in art we have started our linear perspective autumnal forest pictures, which will also be displayed on our display wall. We were incredibly impressed with their efforts and resilience in both of these tasks this week. Well done Year 6! Have a lovely weekend.

W/C 04/10/2024

Year 6 have worked so hard this week and learned so much. This week we have been discussing what it means to be courageous. We have talked about when fear is useful and necessary and when fear is not justified. We then discussed different strategies for overcoming our irrational fears. In English, we edited and improved our setting stories many children showed great imagination. In maths, we have been learning new strategies for division such as factorising the divisor if it is 2-digit number, so that we can solve the calculation by carrying out two short divisions instead of long division. You can see the strategy here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXM8iZ5Wit4 and practising long-division https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAYZRONVLNA The pupils have shown excellent perseverance! In History, we have begun to research the lives of some fascinating black scientists as it is Black History Month. In Geography,  Geography we had our minds blown when we learnt about the true size of countries in comparison to the projections on the Mercator map. Lastly, it was great to see so many of you at our reading parent share. Have a great weekend.

WC 23.09.24

We have had yet another busy week in Year 6! The children have spent the week revisiting factors and common factors, multiples and have learned divisibility rules in maths. In English we have started to build a toolkit for our fear tale and have interrogated our model text and pulled out the techniques the author has used to create a change in atmosphere and setting using show not tell techniques whilst also using figurative language such as metaphors, similes and personification. In history we evaluated whether the British Empire in the 1900s had a positive or negative impact on the world by looking specifically at a number of countries which were once part of the Empire. Finally we enjoyed understanding the differences between the Arctic circle and Antarctica. Have a restful weekend all!

WC 09.09.24

What a wonderful first full week we have had on Year 6! The children have started the year embracing the school values and rules and showing how they are going to be excellent role models to the rest of the school. We started the week exploring the poem 'The Highwayman' and revised figurative language writing techniques. The children have then gone on to write their own poem, following The Highwayman poem structure but using the theme of space. They have also spent the week revising place value in maths which we will complete next week. Finally the children started our history topic the Victorian Age this half term by learning about Queen Victoria and how she was regarded as the grandmother of Europe during her reign and the growth of the British Empire. Have a lovely weekend.