Welcome to Year 4


Grasshopper and Moth classes are our Year 4 classes here at the Isle of Ely Primary School. From this page, you will be able to read all about our engaging curriculum for the half term and see all of our fantastic learning activities.

PE - Moth Class PE days are Tuesday (Tag Rugby outside) and Wednesday (Gymnastics indoors). Grasshopper Class PE days are Tuesday (Tag Rugby outside) and Friday (Gymnastics indoors).

Library - Thursday for Moth and Grasshopper class. 

Who works in Year 4?


Miss Jessica Overson                  Mrs Beth Wilshin



Mrs Katie Bartolozzi            Mrs Jacky Pattenden                     Mrs Christy Collard

https://isleofelyprimary.org/images/Dragonfly1/MissF.PNG    Mrs Christy Collard

Our Curriculum – Autumn 1:

This half term we will be learning:


In English, this half term will start with exploring Kenning's poems. A kenning poem is a special type of poem that describes an object or a creature without ever using its name. After this, we will be exploring the text, The Canal, which is a warning story. The children will be using the Talk for Writing approach to learn the model text through actions. The children will be exploring how to use expanded noun phrases, the use of 'power of three', how to describe the weather for the setting and the use of prepositional phases in their writing. Towards the end of the half term the children will look at the model text, Kingston Frost Dragon, which is an information text.


In maths this half term we will be looking at 4-digit numbers in place value. In our first unit of place value, we will be exploring how to round to the nearest 10 and 100, counting in 1,000s, representing 4-digit numbers and looking at numbers up to 10,000 on a number line. Moving into the second unit of place value, we will be exploring finding 1,000 more and less of a number, comparing and ordering 4-digit numbers, counting in 25s and beginning to look at negative numbers.


In science, this half-term is based on our human body. We will be looking into the building blocks of the human body, our teeth and their functions, how our food is digested, what a healthy diet consists of and the importance of vitamins and minerals.


In history this half term we will be learning about life in Ancient Rome. The children will explore the origins of Rome and understand some of the geographical factors that led to Rome being powerful. Then we will learn about how significant Pompeii was in Roman history discussing the historical evidence that remains to this day.


In geography, our focus is 'Spatial Sense' with an emphasis on location. We begin our unit by learning how to use an atlas. Then we will be looking at the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, how to use a scale on a map, what a grid reference is used for, our local area now and how it has changed over time.


In PE we will be exploring gymnastics in one of our lessons and then learning skills based on Tag Rugby in our second.

Religious Education

In R.E., our focus this half term is Religious Texts and Moral Codes. We will be looking at what they are and why they are important, the teachings behind them and how they were created. From this we will let delve into each religions religious text to see how they are similar and different.


In Spanish this half term we will revisit some of the core languages we have learned in our first year of learning (asking and answering their name, where they live, greetings, days of the week, months of the year, classroom instructions, numbers and age). We will also learn about the rooms in a school and the objects that can be found in a classroom.

Personal, Social and Health Education

In PSHE this term we are learning about ‘Being Me in My World.’ We will be exploring what roles and responsibilities we have as a class team, the rewards and consequences that are in place in our school and we will create our class charter that we will adhere to.


In our art, we will be exploring different elements of art: colour, line and texture. We will be expanding our knowledge of tertiary colours, practising creating tone by using stippling, understanding contour and descriptive lines and by using our knowledge creating a detailed image of an animal.

Design and Technology

This half term we will be teaching DT in week 8. We are going to be exploring structures by creating our own pavilions. During the unit, we will be exploring a range of frame structures, designing a pavilion, making a pavilion frame and then finishing it off by adding cladding. The children will be working independently to create these.


In music, we will be exploring changes in pitch, tempo and dynamics about rivers. We will discuss how we can create changes to pitch, tempo and dynamics when creating our own music and attributing this to the different parts of a river focusing on ostinatos (repeating patterns in songs to create effect.)


In computing the children will understand the need to be thoughtful when working on a collaborative document, use comments to suggest changes to a document and understand how to resolve comments, plan a survey with a range of different questions types that will provide different types of answers. Then they will export data to a spreadsheet, highlighting data, using conditional formatting and calculating averages and sums of numbers.


Knowledge Organisers 

At the Isle of Ely Primary School, we use knowledge organisers as a tool to help our children learn more and remember more and to allow parents and carers to support their children's learning. In our knowledge organisers, you will find essential knowledge, key dates, important vocabulary and key figures. The knowledge organisers can also be used as a fun assessment tool which will help children to see the progress they have made.




Religious Education






Year 4's Spine Story: Charlotte's Web by E.B.White

70th Anniversary Edition (A Puffin Book ...

Weekly Newsflash

W/C 14/10/24

In English this week, we have started to explore information texts. Our model text is The Kingston Frost Dragon. This week the children planned and wrote their cold write and then started to learn the actions for the text. During maths, we have been continuing our addition and subtraction unit. We have learnt that it we all need to take our time and think carefully about the exchanges that could be required. We will be continuing this unit until half term, to ensure we consolidate this learning. Wednesday was a fun, active day out for Year 4. The year group went to Thetford Forest to experience Archery. This was one of the Isle of Ely 20. All the children looked like they had fun and many children even shot bullseye. 

W/C 07/10/24

This week in English the children have been exploring a quatrain poem, Hope by Emily Dickinson. As a class, we learned the poem, identified its key features, innovated, and then had the opportunity to write their version. During maths, we have started our second block, addition and subtraction. We have looked at adding two 2-digit numbers with no exchanges, 1 exchange and more than 1 exchange. The children need to ensure they take their time when using column addition. On Wednesday, we also had a fun morning welcoming our parents into one of our spine reading lessons. Then we participated in an enrichment activity, archery. 

W/C 30/09/24

In Year 4 this week we have been writing our hot writes for our Canal story. The children were able to choose their location for their warning story and they worked hard to ensure their tools are included. In maths, we have finished our first block, place value. The children would have brought their books home, so you can look at what we have covered so far in Year 4. In gymnastics this week, we have been developing rotation jumps and sequencing them using apparatuses. 

W/C 23.09.24

What a busy week we have had in English. The children have all been super busy innovating our model text, The Canal, to base it on The Beach. In Maths, we have explored Roman Numerals, it has been fun learning the link between the numbers and letters. We have also started to explore rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1,000. This week in Art, we looked at what a contour line is. The children took their time and created a range of small drawings focusing on the contour line.

W/C 16.09.24

This week in English, we have started to learn a warning story called The Canal. When exploring this story we have been focusing on the setting. We have looked at how to use expanded noun phrases, the use of the 'power of three', how to describe the weather for the setting and the use of prepositional phrases in their writing. During maths, we have looked at flexible partitioning, using 1, 10, 100, 1,000 more and less and then using a number line for numbers up to 10,000. Our afternoons have been busy learning lots of new knowledge. The children have worked hard learning a stippling approach in Art to create tone.

W/C 09.09.24

In English, this week we have been creating our Kenning poems about a fox. The children have thought of some fantastic ideas and even managed to create rhyming couplets. In maths, we have been focused on place value of numbers up to 10,000 ensuring we partition these numbers into thousands, hundreds, tens and ones. In science, we are looking at the building blocks of the human body including the process from a cell to an organism.