Welcome to Year 4


Grasshopper and Moth classes are our Year 4 classes here at the Isle of Ely Primary School. From this page, you will be able to read all about our engaging curriculum for the half term and see all of our fantastic learning activities.

PE -  Monday and Friday for both classes 

Library - Thursday for Moth Class and Friday for Grasshopper. 


Who works in Year 4?


Miss Louise Crawley       Mrs Cheryl Westley (Weds-Fri)



Mrs Katie Bartolozzi        Mrs Beth Wilshin (AM)           


Mrs Jacky Pattenden (PM)


Our Curriculum - Summer A                                                                    


We will also be learning the portal story ‘The Time Slip Scarab’ by story mapping the text and retelling this with actions. Our focus will be on creating suspense within stories and we will be learning the tools needed to do this. We will be creating suspense through similes and personification; showing how a character is feeling through their actions; including power of threes to add to the suspense and use -ing clause to extend suspense. We will also be looking at expanded noun phrases and 3rd person.  


In maths this half term we will learning decimals. Within these units we will be exploring tenths and hundredths in more depth and we will look at dividing by 10 and 100. We will also explore how we can write, compare, order and round decimals and use this knowledge to be able to solve problems. After decimals, we will explore money. We will recap our knowledge of pound and pence before moving onto thinking about ordering and rounding money. In maths, we are also going to be focusing on lots of reasoning and problem around both decimals and money next half term.


In science this half term, we will be learning about the different states of matters and the water cycle. The children will be able to share the differences between the three different states and provide examples. In regards to the water cycle, we will explore what evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection are.


In history we are going to be exploring The Stuarts for the whole of the summer term. Next half term we are going to start by looking at James I and what The Union of Crowns are. Then we will explore the gunpowder plot, who Charles I was, what the causes of the English Civil War was and how Oliver Cromwell played his role within the Commonwealth. Before ending the half term looking at the restoration of Charles II.


Our focus this half term is Mediterranean Europe. We will be looking at the different countries and identifying their capital cities, their languages and their flags. During this unit we will also use our prior knowledge to explore the different ecosystems within these countries.


This half term we will be participating in a yoga unit and will be learning the skills behind cricket. The children will have the opportunity to put their skills into practice in a game situation by the end of the half term.


In RE we are going to be looking at spiritual journeys for the whole term. We will start by exploring what a spiritual journey is. From this we will then look at all religions and explore in depth of what their journeys are and how they are different within each religion.   


In Spanish, children will take part in a role-play dialogue about being at the doctor’s; understand and name jungle animals in Spanish; understand adjectives to describe jungle animals in a story; write a sentence using a noun, a verb and adjectives to describe animals and write a jungle explorer’s story.


This half term we are going to be exploring ‘Healthy Me’. Within this unit we are going to look are our friends and us, different group dynamics, smoking, alcohol, healthy relationships and celebrating our inner strengths and assertiveness.


In art, we will be learning about embroidery and needlework. We will be practising tying quilters knots and using a running stitch. We will then use these to create our own small toys.


In music, our theme this half term is South America. We will be getting a feel for the music and culture there, as well as learning about samba music and the sights and sounds of the carnival. The children will be familiarising themselves with traditional sounds and instruments, as well as learning about syncopated rhythms. They will also be composing their own samba breaks in groups.


Our unit in computing this half term is to investigate the changes in weather. The children will have the opportunity to use the computers and ipads to record their own forecast ensuring they use a green screen when recording. In this unit they will also have the chance to predict and record the weather. 


Knowledge Organisers 

At the Isle of Ely Primary School, we use knowledge organisers as a tool to help our children learn more and remember more and to allow parents and carers to support their children's learning. In our knowledge organisers, you will find essential knowledge, key dates, important vocabulary and key figures. The knowledge organisers can also be used as a fun assessment tool which will help children to see the progress they have made.




Religious Education






Year 4's Spine Story 

The Firework-Maker's Daughter by Phillip Pullman 


Weekly Newsflash

Week Beginning 15.04.24

This week in Year 4, we have started our new unit in English. The unit is based on a portal story where our focus is to help create suspense. We will be using the model text, Time Slip Scarab, to help us learn a range of new tools to embed into our writing. In maths, we have started our first decimal unit. The children have been looking at tenths of a fraction and tenths of decimals to see the relevance between them. Our science unit started extremely well, where the children shared their knowledge of the different states of matter. During their task they create a poster or fact file showing the different properties of each state. Please can we ask that the children continue to learn their times tables? Their check will be the week commencing the 10th of June.