Welcome to Year 4


Grasshopper and Moth classes are our Year 4 classes here at the Isle of Ely Primary School. From this page, you will be able to read all about our engaging curriculum for the half term and see all of our fantastic learning activities.

PE -  Monday and Friday for both classes 

Library - Thursday for Moth Class and Wednesday for Grasshopper. 


Who works in Year 4?


 Mrs Pelin Silveira               Miss Jessica Overson        Mrs Cheryl Westley          Miss Louise Crawley



Mrs Katie Bartolozzi        Mrs Beth Wilshin (AM)           Mrs Jacky Pattenden (PM)



Our Curriculum - Summer B

This half term we will be learning:


In English this half term we will be learning the class text ‘Vain Jackdaw’, with a focus on openings and endings. We will explore revealing the character through speech, revealing characters inner thoughts and what makes a fable a fable. We will explore the similarities and differences between the class text and the ugly duckling, this will enable us to explore different perspectives in fables.


In maths this half term we will looking at time and having the chance of converting them. We will be looking at charts and tables as well as line graphs in statistics. When looking at angles this half term we will be identifying, comparing and ordering them. We will also look at deducing facts about shapes and looking at lines of symmetry both inside and outside the shapes. We will end the year by touching on position and direction. The children will have the chance to draw, reason and move on a grid.


This half term we will be looking at electricity in science. The children will start by looking at electrical safety. They will explore parts of a circuit and how switches open and close. The children will find out who invited light bulbs and will have the chance in ending the unit by investigating conductive and non-conductive materials.


In History we are continuing our learning about Stuarts. We will be learning about the black plague, the great fire of London and the rebuilding of London. We will explore the monarchs in reign during these events.


In geography we will be exploring Asia in depth by looking at the five regions: Central Asia, Southern Asia, Eastern Asia, South-eastern Asia, and Western Asia. Each week we will be exploring each region by looking at the climate, population and their biomes.


This half term in PE we will be looking at both athletics and rounders. We will be exploring all areas within athletics to ensure we are ready for sports day which is on Monday 15th July. We will also be exploring the skills and techniques to be able to play the game of rounders.


In RE we are going to be looking at spiritual journeys for the whole term. We will start by exploring what a spiritual journey is. From this we will then look at all religions and explore in depth of what their journeys are and how they are different within each religion.  


This half term, we will be finding out all about the weather and ice creams. We will start by learning weather phrases, then learn how to describe the weather in different seasons, and use a map of Spain to give a weather forecast. We will move on to look at ice cream flavours and will describe and create your perfect ice cream.


During PSHE this half term we will looking at changing me. We will look at being unique, having a baby, girls and puberty, circles of change, accepting change and looking ahead.


In art, we will be exploring art related to the monuments in ancient Rome. We will focus on pantheons. We will look at the architecture of these monuments and even try to recreate one ourselves!  


In music, we will be looking at the springtime festival of Hanami. The children will learn to use descriptive vocabulary to create a Haiku, put it to music and add percussion sound effects to bring all elements together before a final, group performance.


In computing the children will be looking at computational thinking. They will understand that problems can be solved more easily using computational thinking, and what the different code blocks do and create a simple game. They will also understand the terms ‘pattern recognition’ and ‘abstraction’ and how they help to solve a problem by creating a Scratch program which draws a square and at least one other shape. Then finally they will understand how computational thinking can help to solve problems and apply computational thinking to problems they face.



Knowledge Organisers 

At the Isle of Ely Primary School, we use knowledge organisers as a tool to help our children learn more and remember more and to allow parents and carers to support their children's learning. In our knowledge organisers, you will find essential knowledge, key dates, important vocabulary and key figures. The knowledge organisers can also be used as a fun assessment tool which will help children to see the progress they have made.




Religious Education






Year 4's Spine Story 

The Boy at the Back of the Class by Onjali Q Rauf


Weekly Newsflash

Week Beginning 15.07.24

Thank you for all your support this year and we look forward to seeing everyone in September!

Week Beginning 8.7.24

This week we have been practising for sports day in our PE lessons. We did a carousel of throwing, long jump, sprinting and long distance running. In maths, we have been learning about position and direction. We looked at using coordinates to describe where plots are. Our history has been about the Glorious Revolution and the takeover of Mary II and William of Orange.


Week Beginning 24.6.24

This week the children have been on their residential to Inside Out. They enjoyed sleeping outdoors and completing team building activities. In English, the children wrote their own fables about a character who wishes to change something about themselves but learn at the end that they were great as they were! We learnt about line graphs in maths. They have been able to read and interpret information from these to answer questions. In Spanish, we have been learning to share our preferences for ice cream flavours using the vocabulary me gusta, me encanta and no me gusta.

Week Beginning 24.6.24

The children have been writing their innovated stories about The Ugly Duckling. They have worked hard to include the tools they have learnt to show the characters’ thoughts and reactions. In maths, we have been learning about statistics. The children have been able to read information from pictograms, bar charts and tables and use this to solve problems. We have continued constructing our pantheons in art: they now have domes and have been covered with papier mache. We also built the portico. In PE, we have been learning about the different types of throws within athletics: chest, overhead, overhead heave and shoulder sling. We have also been practising the 100m race ready for sports day.


Week Beginning 17.6.24

This week has been assessment week and the children have all shown great resilience towards these. We have been discussing the morals within our The Vain Jackdaw and the Peacock story and comparing it to the story of The Ugly Duckling. We have looked at the pattern of a fable story and will be using this to help us write our innovations next week. In science, we have been learning about circuits and how switches are used to control the flow of electricity. Our RE this half term is focussed on pilgrimages and this week we have been learning about the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca.

Week Beginning 10.6.24

We have started our new unit in English this week and have enjoyed retelling the story of The Vain Jackdaw and the Peacock using actions. We have been learning how to show our characters’ feelings and personalities through their speech and actions. In maths, we have been learning about regular and irregular polygons. The children understand that this involves looking at whether the sides and interior angles of a polygon are equal. We also completed our multiplication assessment this week. The children have all worked extremely hard on their times tables this year and demonstrated a great attitude towards the assessment. We are extremely proud of them. In art, we begun constructing our pantheons. The children have worked well in their pairs and have been able to follow the step by step instructions.


Week Beginning 3.6.24

Year 4 have had a busy week back after half term. In maths, the children have been converting between the 12 and 24 hour clock and have started learning about acute and obtuse angles. Our science unit this half term is electricity. We have discussed the importance of safety when using electricity.  In geography, we have started learning about the continent of Asia and can identify the five regions. We have started our athletics and rounders units in PE.