Welcome to Year 3
Wasp and Earwig are our Year 3 classes at the Isle of Ely Primary School. From this page you will be able to read about our curriculum each half term and all the work we get up to in and out of the classroom.
Children have PE on Monday and Tuesday. They will need to arrive in their P.E. kits on these days.
We will also be updating our website with pictures, work and more!
Who works in Year 3:
Miss Lucy Peck Mrs Amy Wreathall
Mr Neil Lloyd Miss Michelle Reitinger
Our Curriculum:
This half term we will be learning:
English |
In Talk for Writing we start the term finishing writing a recount/newspaper report, based on our model text 'Curious Creature Captured'. We will also be looking at openings and endings, focusing on a tale of fear ‘The Iron Giant’. This will use previous tools such as time adverbials and show not tell to hook the reader. |
Maths |
In maths we will be developing the children’s understanding of time, following on from our start last half term. We will then focus on two new topics' Angles and the properties of shapes, as well as statistics in tables and charts. |
Science |
Our science topic is forces and magnets. We will explore how these forces affect the world around us and how we experience them. |
History |
In history we are studying the war of the roses, its many kings and events that occurred. |
Geography |
In geography pupils will learn about physical and human geography of the countries in Eastern Europe, building on our previous topic on Western Europe. |
PE |
PE will be on Monday and Tuesday. We will be focussing on Athletics and OAA (Outdoor Adventurous Activities) this half term. |
R.E (Religious Education) |
In RE, pupils will learn about humanism and the humanist beliefs |
Spanish |
n Spanish we will learn about locations to have a picnic, as well as building on our learning from last half term on food. |
PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) |
Our Jigsaw unit this half term is Changing Me. We will learn how babies grow and about their needs, about we grow and change, about family stereotypes and challenging ideas and also begin to prepare for transition to Y4. |
Art |
Our art topic is about mythological paintings. We will be focusing primarily on the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur. |
D&T (Design and Technology) |
In D&T, pupils will make a castle . |
Music |
In music pupils will be learning about ballads and their effect on the listener. |
Computing |
Pupils will be learning to send a receive emails between themselves and others. Pupils will be learning to send a receive emails between themselves and others. |
Home Learning |
All pupils can also access TTRockstars at home. You may also wish to find additional activities on Oak Academy or BBC bitesize. This is a link to all the common exception word spellings from Year 1 to Year 4 for you to practise with your child at home. |
Knowledge Organisers:
At the Isle of Ely Primary School, we use knowledge organisers as a tool to help our children learn more and remember more and to allow parents and carers to support their children's learning. In our knowledge organisers, you will find essential knowledge, key dates, important vocabulary and key figures. The knowledge organisers can also be used as a fun assessment tool which will help children to see the progress they have made.
Our current spelling words: Our class text:
Weekly newsflash
Week beginning 15th July
Thank you for all your support this year and we look forward to seeing everyone in September!
Week beginning 1st July
This week, Year 3 have begun their new Maths topic of capacity. They have become familiar with litres and millilitres including recognising these measurements. In English, we have continued to explore our tales of fear and the children began to create their own story opening and story endings. They did a fantastic job using setting and character descriptions in their openings as well as cliffhangers and lessons the character learnt for their endings. In History, the children learnt about the Battle of Bosworth Field and the events that led up to it. In P.E. the children continued practising their athletic skills, focusing on throwing accurately. In Music, the children began writing lyrics for their own ballad based on a short animation story. We created a class chorus together and then they created verses in small groups. Have a lovely weekend
Week beginning 24th June
Hello! We have spent the week exploring the features of suspense and creating tension in our 'tale of fear' Poppy and the Giant. In science we learnt how the poles of magnets line up with magnetic fields (including the giant magnet we all live on: planet Earth!) In R.E. we looked at Humanist values around the pursuit of happiness and how Humanists live in a way that encourages people to find meaning in their own lives by finding the things that they love to do and doing them and sharing them with others. We practised being explosively strong in athletics and some children were able to push pass basketballs incredibly far. We also prepared for this weekend's Islefest and hope to see many of you there.
Week beginning 17th June
The children have had another great week to be proud of! This week has been assessment week and all the children have shown fantastic resilience, determination and hard-work. In English, the children learnt about free-verse poetry and how it has no rules but it's purpose is to make the reader feel a specific emotion. We created our own class poems and then the children wrote their own and they turned out fantastically. In Maths, we finished our unit on angles and properties of shape. The children identified properties of 2D and 3D shapes and even created some of their own 3D shapes. In Music, the children continued their focus on ballads and learnt about performing ballads. They learnt the chorus of 'Space Oddity' by David Bowie and put their own actions to the lyrics to create a performance. In R.E, we continued learning about humanist beliefs, particularly focusing on happiness and what this means to humanists. On Friday, the children took part in a fun run and a beat the keeper challenge as part of the Green house charity day. Everyone had lots of fun!
Week beginning 10th June
We've had another busy and successful week in Y3. We have completed our own news recounts about a creature on the loose and what happened when it was spotted. Ask your child to retell their text to you. The children worked really hard to include attention-grabbing headlines, different tenses of verbs and direct and reported quotes. In maths, we have been completing the unit on geometry with focuses on some new mathematical language: parallel, perpendicular, vertical and horizontal. We revisited Y2 learning about 2D and 3D shape and then combined those mathematical terms with the words to describe shapes: vertex/vertices, faces and edges. Mr Lloyd had a banner week teaching music; we've introduced the term ballad (a song which tells a story) and enjoyed listening to and analysing David Bowie's classic A Space Oddity. We have begun to learn about what the War of the Roses was and who was involved and are looking forward to the weekend for some rest! Next week is our final assessment week and the children will be ready to show off all they have learned this year. Thank you for your continued support.
Week beginning 3rd June
Year 3 have had a very enjoyable week. In English, the children created their innovation texts linked to 'curious creature captured' in which they reported on a yeti spotted in Ely! In Maths, the children made a fantastic start on their topic of angles. They learnt about turns, right angles as well as beginning to identify angles that are greater than or less than right angles. On Thursday, year 3 had a fantastic day out at the Sedgewick museum where they had a workshop about rocks and fossils around the world. They consolidated lots of their learning and learnt lots of new things, they even got to see a rock from outer space and from the top of Mount Everest.
They walked to the Round Church and looked at the architecture inside and outside of the church. They had the opportunity to draw the outside of the building and did a fantastic job. On Friday, we had a D.T. day in which we completed our topic of eating seasonally. The children learnt all about where food grows at what time of the year as well as how to safely prepare food. The children finished the week tasting the food that they had prepared. Have a great weekend!
Week beginning 13th May
As we approach the end of this half term, the children have been working hard to consolidate their learning from this half term. We have been telling digital and analogue time to the nearest minute, calculating time differences and recording the same times in different ways i.e. 'past' and 'to'. Any opportunities you get to practise telling the time at home will be very beneficial to secure this life skill. Everyone enjoyed developing their tennis skills after last week's coaching session and in science, we learned how fossils are formed; see what your children can tell you about the necessary stages for fossil formation. We look forward to seeing lots of you first thing Monday morning for our 'parent share' session (0830 - 0900) as we kick off Arts Week with the theme of Resilience. Enjoy your weekend.
Week beginning 6th May
This week, the children were completing their own action stories inspired by Theseus and the Minotaur. The children completed short burst writing activities to brainstorm some fantastic personification and similes for their own plans. The end results for the writing was very successful. In maths, the children started their unit on Time. On Wednesday, the children learnt how to read roman numerals and applied this to the clock face and on Thursday the children began telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes. We recapped counting in our 5 times tables to help with this. Next week, the children will begin to tell the time to the closest 1 minute. In geography, year 3 learned about trade in Western Europe and the journey that our imported goods go on. The children also explored which good come from each country. In P.E. the children were visited by coaches from Ely Tennis club and had lots of fun improving their tennis techniques and playing lots of tennis related games.
Week beginning 29th April
This week, the children have been co-planning their 'defeating a monster' story by writing their own variations of the shared class version of Theseus and the Minotaur. Next week, the children will use all the writing tools they have learned to write their own, original versions. In maths, we have completed a short unit on calculations with money and this will be followed with next week's learning about telling the time accurately. This is a life-skill so any and all practise you can do with your child to tell the time at home will be very beneficial. In P.E. we have been honing our racquet control with forehands and backhands in tennis and improvising 'rag's on drone basses as we learn more about traditional Indian music styles. Enjoy the long weekend and we look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday 7th May.
Week beginning 22nd April
Year 3 have been busy this week! In English, we have been learning and practising the features of action texts such as similes, personification and dramatic fronted adverbials. The children particularly enjoyed creating their own similes and did a superb job. In maths, the children learnt how to find an amount of unit and non-unit fractions using their multiplication and division knowledge. In problem solving the children deepened their understanding of mathematical explanations using 'because' and 'so'. In history, the children enjoyed learning about the story and friendship of Henry II and Thomas Becket and acted out the main events. The children enjoyed the Blue house charity day in their pyjamas or blue clothes with their soft toys. Have a lovely weekend!
Week beginning 15th April
Welcome back! We've had a brilliant week after the Easter break. In maths we have been deepening out knowledge of fractions and the children have been so impressive adding and subtracting fractions as well as beginning to find fractions of amounts. In English, we have begun to learn our new text: Theseus and the Minotaur. The weather has made P.E. extra exciting this week and our lessons on the ABCs of sport (agility, balance, coordination and speed/strength) were made challenging by dodging hail, rain and trying to balance in the wind! Have a great weekend.